Official KFP Statement - Update
KFP Blog
March 13, 2020
An update to all,
Due to the on-going Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we have taken the decision to postpone all external visitors to our office with immediate effect until March 31st 2020.
As a result, any meetings planned at our offices with non KFP personnel (clients, suppliers, interviews etc.) will be cancelled and postponed until further notice.
This time period may be reviewed as more information becomes available.
These restrictions will currently only apply to external visitors to KFP offices. No restrictions are in place for KFP personnel at this time. These measures will apply both of our business locations: Oxfordshire, UK, and Dublin, Ireland.
As a trusted employer, we have to ensure the safety of all stakeholders and have had to take this swift action to ensure the safety of all.
We are continuing to take advice directly from the World Health Organization, Public Health England and local government at this time.
To all of our customers, we have a clear strategy in place to deal with any eventuality regarding the Coronavirus outbreak and how we continue to deliver our services.
We would like to reassure our customers that we have a strong partner network operating across Europe and we are confident that we have the resource capable of continuing to deliver our high levels of service as the COVID-19 situation continues – subject to any in country measures or restrictions.
As it stands, travel to Italy and Denmark is prohibited with both countries on lock down until further notice.
Advice and Guidance from the World Health Organisation:
- Encouraging all to wash their hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub and wash them with soap and water
- Asking all to maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between themselves and anyone who is coughing, sneezing or genuinely feeling unwell
- Requesting that you all avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth as these areas can pick up viruses very quickly
- Practicing respiratory hygiene, meaning covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately
We continue to encourage each and every member of staff, customer or visitor to inform a health professional if they are showing any signs of a fever, cough and/or have any difficulty breathing. You are encouraged to seek medical care immediately and to stay at home.
We will continue to follow advice from the World Health Organization and Public Health England, as well as local government going forward and will ensure you are updated regularly.
Kind regards
John Moss | CEO
KFP Total IT Solutions